Tithes & Offerings
Your tithes and offerings are vital to support the missions and ministries of our church.
As United Methodists, we believe that giving is an act of thanksgiving and worship. Tithing is a discipline that we practice just like prayer, worship, and doing good in the world. When we tithe, we bless others and in turn we are blessed.
Tithing is the Biblical principle of giving 10% of our income to glorify God. Offerings are special gifts above and beyond our tithes.
There are many ways to give and there are many missions and ministries that need your support. Continue reading below to find out how you can support them!
How to Give
Online Giving: the easiest way to give is to just click here! When you use our giving portal, you can select the area for the donation, put in specific information in the memo line, and add additional gifts in one transaction. You can also click here to set up or make changes to a giving account to make recurring gifts easy.
Text to Give: simply text 830W3350 to 73256 to give from your phone. Follow the same instructions as you would for the online giving portal.
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Mail: you can always mail a check for your tithes and offerings. Please make a note of the fund/area in the memo line. Mail your check to: Waples Memorial United Methodist Church, 830 W. Main St, Denison, TX 75020.
Bank Giving: you can add Waples Memorial United Methodist Church as a payee on your bank bill pay. Please put a note in the memo if you want the amount to go to a specific fund.
Venmo: simply Venmo us through Waples Memorial United Methodist Church
Missions and Ministries
When you make your tithes and offerings, you will need to use the drop down menu and the memo line. For checks, all of this information will go on the memo line. If no fund is specified in the memo, the amount will go to Waples Budget Fund.
Waples Budget Fund: this is our main fund that supports the mission and ministry of the church. This is the area for your tithe and is a great place to make an additional offering.
Waples Special Offerings: use this area plus the memo line to give to one of our missions. These include Early Response Team, Flowers, Memorials/Honorariums, Pastor's Discretionary Fund, VBS, Youth Missions. Please make sure to note which mission you are giving to in the memo line.
There will be special giving opportunities listed as needed.